Video Platforms

Hello, my friend and future millionaire. 

Welcome to this episode of The Money Wheel. 

My name is Kris Hutchinson.

Today we’re going to talk about your recordings. 

You got your recording, you got your recorded videos, they’re all done; they’re back from the editor or you edited them yourself and they’re ready to go. 

Now, what do you do with them?

You’ve got to get them up online. 

How can you do that? 

The first place you could go, if you have a website, you could host them on your website.

This may not be the best option for you, especially if you get a lot of customers and they’re all watching video at the same time. 

That’s going to put a lot of pressure on your hosting in order to render all the video and have it playing at multiple times.

And especially if you’re just starting out, you probably don’t want to pay for the resources to have that done and for your site to handle that properly.

So what we can do is upload them to video hosting sites. 

The most popular one that everybody knows is YouTube.

YouTube is a great place to host videos, and there are plenty of resources inside of YouTube to promote videos and to get them out there and then make sure that they play flawlessly for your customers.

Now, the thing about YouTube is that because it’s ad driven you cannot control the ads that play over top of your videos.

And also, because YouTube is a free service, you have to put the passwords and other things in place in order to keep your videos private so they can’t be shared. 

While YouTube is very popular and everybody knows about it, it may not be the best solution for you.

The solution that we’ve used as a service is called Vimeo. 

Vimeo is very much like YouTube, where it is a video hosting service.

However, it is more designed for businesses like ours. 

With Vimeo, you can password protect your videos. 

You can decide exactly where they can be uploaded to, where they can be embedded, how people can share them and even have some neat tools where you could put your logo in the corner of each video.

You can decide how the title is displayed, things like that. 

So it really gives you a lot more control over it.

Vimeo’s a great service especially with their lower accounts. 

If you go with the pro, I believe they don’t have any kind of limits on how many videos you can store.

Usually what they limit you by is how many uploads you do per week. 

So even if you do have a very large course, it might take you a week or two to get the entire thing uploaded.

But once it’s there, you’re good to go with Vimeo. 

Then you can get the URL for your videos, and you can embed them on your website or with any other services that you’re using, whether it’s a course service like Udemy, if you’re using ClickFunnels to password protect or any of the other solutions out there.

Another one that we use is called LearnDash.

LearnDash is a plugin that goes over top of your WordPress website, and basically gives you the course outline where it’s course topic and a lesson, and kind of gives you those tiered levels to present your information and your videos.

So that’s everything I’ve got for you today on The Money Wheel.