The Autoresponder

Hello, my friend and future millionaire. 

Welcome to this episode of The Money Wheel. 

My name is Kris Hutchinson 

What I want to cover with you is going to be the most important tool that you use in your business.

And that’s going to be your autoresponder. 

Now, what does an autoresponder do? 

Well, there’s really two different things. 

The first one is that your autoresponder is going to hold your list.

Now, this is a list of customers that have signed up with you that you can do business with over and over again and that’s what makes this tool so important because you’re able to go back to repeat customers and build a relationship with them.

And even people who may not have had a transaction with you, but you’re still able to build that relationship and grow that trust with them practically for free.

The other thing that it does is an auto responder will let you send emails out to everybody on your list.

Now, I know that you may have heard that email is dead and in your personal life, you’re probably right; when was the last time you actually emailed your mom or any of your friends?

You know, a lot of times nowadays, we use social media for that, but emails are still effective in business.

People expect to get emails from businesses to promote things and because they have a choice in which businesses are allowed to email them because they are able to hit that unsubscribe button at the bottom anytime they don’t want to hear from you anymore.

I know when I opened my email inbox, I actually look forward to reading most of those emails in there, whether it’s a notification saying that something was shipped or letting me know of a new promotion that’s going on, or even a brand that I’m comfortable with, just giving me some more information and letting me know about new products that they have, things like that.

So email is still a great business tool for everybody to use and it’s also very cheap advertising for the cost of the monthly payment for your autoresponder.

You can email everybody on your list, which lets you reach thousands of people depending on the size of your list.

So if you need help choosing an autoresponder, we have several different options over at RESOURCES on the 

Just go check out the link and there’s a ton of great options out there. 

If you need help setting them up, please reach out to me, Kris, at and we’ll get you moving forward. 

That’s all I got for today and we’ll see you next time.