Don’t get stuck on what’s Next

Hello, my friend and future millionaire. 

Welcome to this episode of The Money Wheel. 

My name is Don Shade. 

I’m going to ask you kind of an odd question: What’s on page 17 of your training?

I know what you’re thinking, ‘Well, Don, I don’t have any training put together’.

‘I have no idea what would be on page 17’. 

The reason I asked you that is to prove a point. 

Some of you are focused on a step that is way beyond where you are.

In other words, you don’t have any of your course created, or you don’t have any of your program put together, but you’re worried about one step.

‘Who’s going to write the copy or how do I run Facebook ads?’. 

‘I don’t want to, I don’t know anything about that stuff’.

And you’re focused on what you don’t know instead of focusing on what you do know. 

Let’s start out with putting together your introduction.

What do you want people to know about you as they’re going into your training? 

What happens in the first step of your program?

What do you know that is valuable to somebody else? 

What’s the main thing; that main message that you want to get out to people? 

Back when you were a teenager and you were first learning to drive, you didn’t go out, jump on the interstate and go 75 or 80 mile an hour.

Now that you’ve got some experience under your belt, it’s nothing for you to be clipping down the road at that speed, looking for cops, drinking coffee and talking on a cell phone at the same time, all because you became comfortable with it. 

Your internet business is going to be the same way. 

Some episodes back, I focused on you writing a list of stuff you needed help with to put your business together.

One of the things I want to make sure of is that you don’t get stuck with that list in your head.

I want you to be focusing on what you know, and the things you’re good at as we put together your course, and move you forward towards creating your Million Dollar Roadmap.

One of the things that I’m going to point out to you is: you may be working on two or three steps at the same time.

You might have part of your course put together and kind of know what you want to say in ads when you’re going to sell your product, but you don’t know how to put those ads together.

So we may need a virtual assistant or a copywriter to help you. 

So one of the things I want you to do is put together a list of the challenges that you know you’re going to have.

Is it computer skills? 

Is it copywriting or running ads that you’re struggling with? 

Maybe you’re thinking: ‘I don’t know what my price point is going to be’.

Well, this is all stuff that we think about as we’re building your course. 

In other words, I don’t want to get stuck here.

I want you to focus on putting together your course and doing the parts. 

At the same time we’re going to be looking for someone who can help you to run Facebook ads or to do the copy or whatever it is that you’re struggling with.

The reason I said, ‘what’s on page 17 of your training?’ is: I knew that would get your attention, because right away you’re thinking to yourself, ‘wow, I don’t even have a training put together’.

‘I have no idea what’s on page 17’. 

Well, neither does anybody else. 

You worry about page 17 when you get to page 17. 

What I want you to worry about now is getting started.

This has to be the beginning. 

As we move forward, we’ll deal with all the problems as they come up. 

We’ll find a copywriter.

We’ll find somebody to run Facebook ads or do whatever it takes to sell your package. 

We’ll find somebody to put your website together or your funnel.

Don’t worry about that stuff.

I want you to focus on what you know. 

That’s everything I have for today’s episode of The Money Wheel.