Course Creation

Hello, my friend and future millionaire. 

Welcome to this episode of The Money Wheel. 

My name is Kris Hutchinson.

Today what I’m going to talk to you about is course creation.

Right now I’m building a new course, so I’m going through my planning stages and I’m writing out my outline.

Don likes to dictate to his computer when planning. 

I prefer the outline method. 

Whichever one works for you is the one that you should use.

At this point in the process, we just want you to get your ideas out onto paper and get them out of your head. That way you can go back through and review them, and make sure you haven’t missed any important steps. 

The next step that we’re going to do is the actual recording.

There are several different ways you can do this. 

If you have a slideshow that you want to record while you’re narrating, then that’s a great way to have it, that way your editing is all done. 

Otherwise, what we do is we record our audio and then we put the slides in later using a video editor.

Now I know this is a little bit technical for some of you, so you might want to try using the first method.

If you don’t want to get into any kind of video editing, and if you need help with any of these things, please reach out to us.

You can contact me, Kris, at, and we can get you set up with either the software that you need or any kind of technical help.

We even have our team members available that can help you with the editing, if that’s what you need.

Then once your course is done, and all the videos are recorded, it’s time to find a way to distribute it. 

Whether it’s through a website with a membership password, or if you’re just going to email it.

There’s a lot of different methods that we can use.

The one that we’re currently using is Membership Access.

So the customer pays the price, then they get their password. 

Now they can access the videos. 

Again, if you need help setting that up, please reach out to us.

That’s everything I’ve got for today, we’ll see you next time on The Money Wheel.