Calls For Cash

Hello, my friend and future millionaire. 

Welcome to this episode of The Money Wheel. 

My name is Don Shade. 

In the last episode, Kris covered a lot of information with you about recording your course.

And a while before that, we talked about some of the hidden bonuses you’re going to have and give people after the purchase.

What you’re looking to do there is make sure people stay extremely happy with what they bought from you. 

So the next time you come out with a product, they’ll know that it’s well worth the money and they’ll want to buy from you again.

They’ll feel like they got extraordinary value. 

Here’s the next step I want to cover with you: I want you to think about opening yourself up to be able to do calls so that you can talk to your customers.

In other words, get on a 30 or 45 minute call and coach your customers on how to start the process of whatever product you’re selling.

It’s easy for Kris and I, because we’re in the financial space. We teach people how to build online businesses and create wealth.

So we’re trying to start everybody from the beginning. 

You might be somebody that’s never had an online business, or maybe you’re somebody that’s well down the road, but you just feel like you’ve hit a rut.

Whatever the situation is, what I’ve done is, I’ve opened myself up to be able to take coaching calls from customers that allow them to say, ‘Hey, here’s my problem’.

And we’ll say, ‘what can we do to straighten it out?’. 

A lot of times what happens on that call is this: It allows the customer to step up to the next package of working with Kris and I. 

Especially if they say, ‘Hey, I’ve tried this’.

‘I’m not very good at building my funnel or my website’, or ‘I have issues with technical stuff’. 

It doesn’t matter what the problem is, Kris steps in, and they start a coaching program from there.

This does a few things: it creates income for us, and it also takes care of the customer’s problem. 

But one of the things that is a big key here: it allows your customer to get to know you.

In other words, you’re building a relationship. 

It’s not just online anymore, it’s not digital. 

You’re not just selling them a digital product and ‘okay, you’re on your own, best of luck to you’.

What it comes down to is they actually feel like they have a friend that they can call and say, ‘Hey, I’m in trouble’.

Or they can email and say, ‘Hey, I’m having an issue with this, how do I handle it?’. 

And that’s going to make a huge difference in your business when you start allowing yourself to be available for free coaching calls, to new people coming in the door, maybe to existing people that just need a little help.

Sometimes you run into a problem where a person has one question and it may be a 15 minute conversation and they’re well on their way. 

What is that phone call worth to you?

Well, you’re not exactly sure yet. 

And the reason you’re not is because you have no idea how many products or services you’re gonna sell that person moving forward, because you built that relationship.

This is just something to think about as we create your online business and start building your wealth, moving forward. 

That’s everything I have for today’s episode of The Money Wheel.