Email Ease

Hello, my friend and future millionaire. 

Welcome to this episode of The Money Wheel. 

My name is Don Shade. 

You know, I was working with one of our students here last week.

And one of the things that he said to me was, you know, this creative writing is really a struggle for me and what he meant by that was he doesn’t like writing the emails to go with his product.

And I told him, I said, to be honest with you, that’s a struggle for a lot of people, but I want you to realize this.

It is a learned skill, or if you’re somebody that knows it doesn’t fit you, you can hire other people to do it.

There are copywriters out there that will write your emails and do everything kind of in your voice, so to speak and make it sound like it’s coming from you.

All they have to do is learn how you talk and the way you communicate and they can make it so the emails relate to your audience. 

The point I’m trying to get to is this. If this is something you don’t feel comfortable with, don’t get hung up on it.

What’s going to happen in the next episode, Kris is going to go over setting up your auto responder, which means basically you can load emails into it and send them out to your list.

But what was happening with this guy? 

And I could see it happening as he and I talked more and more.

He was losing his excitement for his business because he left his feeling on, oh, I can’t write emails or I’m not, I was never good at English or grammar or any of that kind of stuff.

What I want to say to you is don’t focus on any of that. 

You got into building a business online because you knew there was money here.

Now let’s do what it takes to get you around the challenge of being a creative writer and writing your own emails.

Let’s look at maybe having a college student, do it and make it relatable to your audience. 

The main thing I want to make sure of is that you don’t use it as an excuse and days.

Go by where you have a product sitting here, ready to go, and you don’t have an email sequence put together.

Well, that’s just something I want you to think about. And we’ll cover a lot of these skills in future episodes, moving forward, if you need help.

That’s everything I have for this episode of The Money Wheel.

Hello, my friend and future millionaire. 

Welcome to this episode of The Money Wheel. 

My name is Don Shade. 

You know, I was working with one of our students here last week.

And one of the things that he said to me was, you know, this creative writing is really a struggle for me and what he meant by that was he doesn’t like writing the emails to go with his product.

And I told him, I said, to be honest with you, that’s a struggle for a lot of people, but I want you to realize this.

It is a learned skill, or if you’re somebody that knows it doesn’t fit you, you can hire other people to do it.

There are copywriters out there that will write your emails and do everything kind of in your voice, so to speak and make it sound like it’s coming from you.

All they have to do is learn how you talk and the way you communicate and they can make it so the emails relate to your audience. 

The point I’m trying to get to is this. If this is something you don’t feel comfortable with, don’t get hung up on it.

What’s going to happen in the next episode, Kris is going to go over setting up your auto responder, which means basically you can load emails into it and send them out to your list.

But what was happening with this guy? 

And I could see it happening as he and I talked more and more.

He was losing his excitement for his business because he left his feeling on, oh, I can’t write emails or I’m not, I was never good at English or grammar or any of that kind of stuff.

What I want to say to you is don’t focus on any of that. 

You got into building a business online because you knew there was money here.

Now let’s do what it takes to get you around the challenge of being a creative writer and writing your own emails.

Let’s look at maybe having a college student, do it and make it relatable to your audience. 

The main thing I want to make sure of is that you don’t use it as an excuse and days.

Go by where you have a product sitting here, ready to go, and you don’t have an email sequence put together.

Well, that’s just something I want you to think about. And we’ll cover a lot of these skills in future episodes, moving forward, if you need help.

That’s everything I have for this episode of The Money Wheel.