Build your two teams
Hello, my friend and future millionaire.
In the last couple of emails I covered how to do some things to change your time schedule and free up more of your time.
The point I was trying to get to was this:
If you’re going to become a millionaire, and build a million dollar roadmap with a million dollar a year income, the one key thing is this; You’re not going to do it alone.
Here’s the way I’ve looked at this as I started building businesses…. You’re going to have two teams of people.
One team that is focused on your business and will have everything to do with that end of it.
They’re not going to have anything to do with stuff in your personal life, so to speak.
Then you’re going to build a second team that is going to handle the stuff in your personal life that you want off your plate because you’re too busy putting together your million dollar roadmap.
With all that being said, I want you to think about this: The lifestyle that you have today is a direct result of how you spent all your yesterdays up until now.
If you don’t like the lifestyle that you have it’s definitely time to make some changes.
I want you to think about that.